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Don’t let unexpected heartburn stress you out. The PEPCID® Heartburn Triggers Quiz can help you learn more about what causes heartburn and if spicy, saucy or sour foods might be triggering your heartburn symptoms.

Enjoy grilled foods you love with Pepcid®'s acid neutralizing power and lasting heartburn relief.

Knowing the difference between mild or occasional heartburn and more severe heartburn or GERD can help you determine if an over the counter medication like PEPCID® can give you the relief you need or if you should follow up with your healthcare provider.

Identifying your heartburn triggers will also go a long way to preventing unexpected heartburn. Whether your heartburn is caused by stress, or what you eat or drink, this short heartburn quiz can help you identify some of the biggest triggers that might be causing the burning sensation in your chest. And that can help you get the right heartburn relief.

Pepcid AC Maximum Strength, Pepcid Complete, Pepcid Complete Travel, and Pepcid AC Original Strength
What Is PEPCID®?
Woman with heartburn clutching chest
What Is Heartburn?
Person clutching pillow around their chest
How To Relieve Heartburn At Night
Person kneeling with hands palm-up in their lap on a yoga mat
Heartburn Home Remedies & Tips